Check back in 2025!
Please note that I am not taking custom orders at this time. The Bake Shop operates through seasonal presales and scheduled pop ups at local stores.
At this time though, I have made the difficult decision to remain closed for the rest of 2024. I will reassess before the New Year and post updates closer to that time.
Until then, I wish you all a great fall, a Happy Halloween and wonderful holiday season!

Allergy Information:
Bake Shop treats are made with peanut and tree nut free ingredients and prepared in a nut free kitchen. However, all baked goods are the responsibility of the customer once they leave the Bake Shop. Although these items leave the Bake Shop peanut/tree nut free, once they enter your own homes and celebration spaces I cannot guarantee they will remain nut free. You are responsible to ensure they remain safe for your allergic family and friends to consume. Please take extra precautions to avoid cross contamination when bringing them into your own kitchens and do not store them with other baked goods.
Baked goods contain/may contain other common allergens including, but not limited to, wheat, soy, eggs, and dairy.